The home of the Ligurian Statiellaes was re-baptised Aquae Statiellae by the Romans - they were enchanted with the salutary waters from the town's springs - it is an ancient and important Bishops seat. Acqui flourished in the early middle ages. The Cathedral and the Pisterna zone are proof of this. The Castello dei Paleologhi watches over the Pisterna. It was constructed in the XI century as the bishops palace. It is now the Archaeological Museum, the collection has expanded due to the recent digs in the Piazza dell'Annunciazione. The Quartiere del vino (wine zone) is located in the Pisterna area. Each boutique has the name of a different wine from the area and good wines can be tasted.
Places to visit: Cathedral and Bishops palace, Church of S. Francesco, Basilica of S. Pietro, Municipal Hall, Palazzo Robellini and regional wine shop, the Bagni area Museo Civico Archeologico (cominunity archaeological museum); Museo della Civiltà contadina (country life museum) in Montechiaro, church of S. Lorenzo in Cavatore, Museo di arte sacra (museum of sacred arts) in Ponzone, Gipsoteca Giulio Monteverde (the Giulio Monteverde gallery of plaster casts) at Bistagno.